Category Archives: Applications
A simple and highly adaptable solution for protecting waterway embankments
Rockbags provide a long term erosion protection
Blyth Riverbank Revetment Regeneration Scheme Continued
Rockbags for a riverbank revetment regeneration scheme located in Blyth
Ridgeway Filter Unit Rockbags repairs damaged river embankment
Ridgeway provide Filter Unit Rockbags for emergency flood repair schemes.
Ridgeway Supports DeepOcean UK’s Cable Installation campaign in Portugal
First floating offshore wind farm in the Atlantic. Ridgeway Rockbags deployed for DeepOcean UK’s Cable [...]
Bridge pier scour protection provided by Filter Unit Rockbags
Filter Unit Rockbags fast becoming a standard choice for Filter Unit fast becoming a standard [...]
Blyth Riverbank Revetment Regeneration Scheme
Rockbags for a riverbank revetment regeneration scheme located in Blyth
JN Bentley – St.Neots
Phase 1 – Temporary Bank Protection works to a river wall within the River Great [...]
Rockbags and Robotics Come Together
Great to see Ridgeway’s Rockbags filter units in situ and proving to be an invaluable [...]
Filter Unit Rockbags deployed for scour protection.
Ridgeway were contracted to fill and deliver Filter Unit Rockbags for scour protection.